Court of Commerce of Paris
The Court of Commerce of Paris is located at the Palace of Justice of Paris.
What is the Tribunal de Commerce de Paris
The Commercial Court of Paris resolves litigation between traders or between traders and commercial companies.
- litigations relating to acts of commerce between all persons.
- litigations relating to a bill of exchange.
- litigations opposing individuals to traders.
- litigations opposing from individuals to commercial companies in the exercise of their business.
- disputes between the partners of a commercial company.
- difficulties of companies: safeguarding, redress and liquidation.
- litigations between companies, including stock exchange and financial law, community law and national law in the field of trade and competition
The commercial court decides first and last resort (without possibility of appeal), or in first instance to appeal, according to the importance of the dispute.
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Composition of the Court of Commerce of Paris
The commercial court is composed of non-professional judges, called “consular judges”. They are volunteers, chosen from tradespeoples or business leaders and elected by them.
The formation of judgment shall comprise at least three judges, unless otherwise provided.
The public ministry represents the interests of the company before the commercial court. It is mandatory in files of companies in difficulty (redress or judicial liquidation).
The commercial tribunal’s registry is held by a ministerial and public officer.
Explanatory video on the Commercial Court of Paris
Learn more about the Paris Commercial Court
Tribunal de commerce de Paris on Wikipedia
Le Tribunal de Commerce on Le Paris Pittoresque
A quoi sert le Tribunal de Commerce de Paris on